
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I just wrote a long post about John McCririck eating his own bogeys on Channel 4.
And then Blogger ate it.
There was also something about buying a house in Denmark, which we are not (presently), but we are looking at prizes and sizes and that sort of thing.
It is expensive, is what it is. And if it's not expensive it's in an area that I'm not sure about (goddam you Copenhagen suburbs!) or utter, utter crap.
Which brought me to John McCririck.
Blogger also ate my predictions for John's future, something involving advertising for a diet cola-based soft drink, book deals, good advice (drink milk!) and weird hand gestures on the race track.
Never mind.

I'm thinking of getting rid of Blogger.


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«expat express»

Lives in United Kingdom/London, speaks Danish and English. My interests are no sheep. Just sleeping.
This is my blogchalk:
United Kingdom, London, Danish, English, no sheep. Just sleeping.