
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Sometimes you meet people with whom you are not bound to, for various reasons, maintain any kind of relationship.

I have now met E. four times over the last year and a bit and spoken to him on the phone a couple of times. These are work-related circumstances and due to the nature of my job, less pleasant occasions for him than for me. I now do not have any reason to see him any more and will only speak to him if I happen to pick up the phone when (and if) he rings. Not that it means anything in the greater scheme of things but I have a feeling that it is a shame - that we could potentially become great friends. However, since he is based in Aberdeen (the accent, the accent) and we have lost that common ground that we have had so far, it is highly unlikely that we will ever get to know each other.

Other than that: had a surreal and brief conversation with a colleague about Donald Judd and sweaters. Unfortunately H. only comes in once a week, 'cause she's quite fun and straightforward and brave and creative and interesting. Everything that my job otherwise isn't.


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«expat express»

Lives in United Kingdom/London, speaks Danish and English. My interests are no sheep. Just sleeping.
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United Kingdom, London, Danish, English, no sheep. Just sleeping.