
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Under siege!-

Well, hardly, but the sound of helicopters overhead, police and emergency units whisking by and frantic phonecalls to and fro, makes me feel slightly as if war has broken out.

The worst thing is obviously that we are told nothing other than 'power fault' (ie nothing to worry about).

Anyway, we're all well and good here.

Seems that we are actually under siege.

Another update:
Still here in the office until I've decided how to get home. Obviously no tube or busses and it's a bit far to walk (and it's raining). Not much work gets done, just loads of surfing on the internet for any shred of information, and chatting to friends and family, reassuring that we're okay.
I've momentarily lost track of my husband but assume that he is not stupid enough to go walkies in Leicester Square or something.
There are free river boats apparently which is great news to me and my Essex-based friend who has got to stay over, since there's only few mainline trains as well.

At some point we lost internet connection as well as the mobile phone networks being down, which only added to the sense of being completely and utterly out of touch.

I don't mind being here so much (although my colleague has just kindly informed me that we're almost literally sitting atop the Bakerloo Line), but I really worry about getting home within a fairly short time, without being blasted on my way there.

It is kind of unreal, being here in the office, the army helicopters are still hovering real low and sirens are on and off around here, but apart from that it looks like a normal day in the office. But only a few miles from here body parts are scattered and there is nothing else to do than take care of yourself and those around you.


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«expat express»

Lives in United Kingdom/London, speaks Danish and English. My interests are no sheep. Just sleeping.
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United Kingdom, London, Danish, English, no sheep. Just sleeping.